„Children are the wings of a man”
On the second day of our work, our hosts organized a meeting for us at the local kindergarten. We could carry out diagnostics in terms of posture defects, but also remind ourselves how important even the smallest health-promoting activities are. We were full of fears how many parents would come to listen to us, how many would agree to have their child examined. And that day made us very happy. Regardless of nationality, a parent always wants the best for their child. The entire management of the kindergarten actively participated and encouraged others to take action. We already know that we will return there with a supply of orthopedic insoles, which we intend to adjust individually on the spot. In some cases, it will be extremely important that children do not deepen the emerging scoliotic problems, and above all, that they can run with other children in the school yard. After returning from kindergarten, a few more willing adults for therapy came to us and we have the impression that with each person we unlock the social fear of manual contact.
We also underwent our therapy in Georgia – zootherapy. Friendly and eager for caresses dogs, cats, goats and horses 🙂 life close to nature – the quintessence of extra-urban Georgian life.
If you want to support us in the purchase of inserts for children – we cordially invite you. Any help will be needed 🙂
Best regards!
Project co-financed by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation as part of the RITA – “Region in Transition” Program implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation.
პროექტი თანადაფინანსებულია პოლონურ-ამერიკული თავისუფლების ფონდის მიერ, RITA – რეგიონი გარდამავალ პერიოდში პროგრამის ფარგლებში, რომელსაც ახორციელებს ფონდი განათლება დემოკრატიისათვის.